coming soon


Season 4
Episode 5
Experiencing rage is like blood pumping in our veins. It surges, a primal force, coursing through the intricate channels of our existence. Each heartbeat echoes its fury a drumbeat of intensity that reverberates from chest to fingertips. The veins, once mere conduits, now throb with purpose, carrying the heat of anger. Our skin tightens, flushed with crimson, as if the very air ignites. In this tempest, reason wanes, and instinct prevails. We become vessels of wrath, fueled by adrenaline, ready to clash with the world. Rage the molten core of our humanity, erupting, scorching, demanding release.

Fabrice Clément

Fabrice Clément, professor at the Institute of Communication and Cognition Sciences at the University of Neuchâtel, tackles one subject in the frame of Workplace Wisdom: rage.